Oliver Arrives Ollie was born on July 5, 2018 Click on the first picture, then you can slide thru pictures or just view the thumbs New additionNew addition big boy at 9 lbs 1 ozbig boy at 9 lbs 1 oz Big sister is excitedBig sister is excited so peacefulso peaceful first Nana visit in Augustfirst Nana visit in August Baby OllieBaby Ollie sleeping with Nanasleeping with Nana smiling boysmiling boy checking out the lightschecking out the lights Nana Oct visitNana Oct visit able to lift his headable to lift his head laughing with Grandadlaughing with Grandad look Ollie is standinglook Ollie is standing showing off holding handsshowing off holding hands playingplaying likes being heldlikes being held waving arms todaywaving arms today proud Nanaproud Nana laughing with Nanalaughing with Nana playing up up gameplaying up up game Keep up NanaKeep up Nana Adi with her own babyAdi with her own baby swinging is funswinging is fun go higher dadgo higher dad how do petals work againhow do petals work again brave to walk on the wallbrave to walk on the wall whats over therewhats over there what do you have in mind?what do you have in mind? Auntie Brianne visitAuntie Brianne visit both grandkidsboth grandkids peaceful timepeaceful time eating and sleepingeating and sleeping sparkling eyessparkling eyes sitting with Grandadsitting with Grandad working those handsworking those hands sleeping with grandadsleeping with grandad ready for car rideready for car ride good big sistergood big sister Back to Family Gallery Page